Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Hating yourself will end up killing you

I want a new beginning

Before it all ends

How do I begin?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Everything is pure
When it's your own mind
Everything is right
When it's in your own time

But not everyone knows how to self inflict thought
I say inflict because it hurts

Thought, yes it hurts
It stirs up emotions and memory
Memory hurts

But just as I can inflict it upon myself,
I can also take it away
I believe all the answers are available in yourself
You just have to dig


Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Sometimes I like to believe that nothing has limits
Limitlessness is perfection

Just fly

Just fly they told me
Your feet will leave the ground if you let them
They did

I flew
Far from my home
North towards the lights
Toward bigger things
Much bigger than me

But so often
I find myself sitting, waiting
Unsure of what I'm waiting for

But I know it will come
And when it arrives, everything will be great
You just have to believe that nothing has limits

Limitless is perfection

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Please take me home

Where everything feels the way it should
But how should things feel?

Please take me home

Where I can be myself
And understand who I actually am

Where waking up is hard
And going to sleep is easy

Where the sky is always the right shade of blue

Where the people know my name
And tell me I look like my father

Please take me home

When you find out where I belong

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Cycle of Wind

It's funny how life changes
Some nights I fall asleep to my own daydreams of
Who I am
But more
Who I used to be

It's funny how others change
Some days I wake up to the realization that
Everyone I knew is different
But more
The part of them they let me know

It's funny how
Reflecting on it now
That maybe
Everything else isn't changing
Maybe I am

It's like the cycle of wind
Every day it touches a new leaf
And every breeze I feel blowing through my long brown hair
Is never the same as the last
And every me I discover
Will never be the same as the last

And I think that's how it's supposed to be

I think that's okay

Sunday, July 28, 2013


It's a painful thing
To look in the mirror and think,
It's a painful thing to live your life
It's a painful thing to shove the dagger
In your own gut
When others try and sew the wounds
You create

But you
See you

You will
See you

We all want it.

Monday, July 15, 2013

beneath my lungs

i need a moment
some time to figure it out

youll never give me a moment
i know

because moments become minutes
minutes become hours
hours become days

and a day too many could destroy
everything we worked for

i need to know
the sensation in my chest isnt my own doing

i need to know that beneath my lungs you are there

but i may never know
and that hurts the most