Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Thank you, gravity.
Thank you for keeping me grounded.
Thank you for keeping me in my place.
Just when I thought I’d get away- when I thought it was all over.
Watch for it, young one. 
Watch for the release, that pinnacle of freedom. 
It's that very moment of liberty that drops you off the edge. 
Remember gravity, remember what it does for you.
Gravity- holding me down just long enough to see where I am, so I know where to go.

The Little Things

It’s funny how the little things can take you so far back. It’s funny how you can time travel after seeing a cloud, a car, a sunset. It’s funny how hearing a song can drown you in emotion. The little things- they grab you by surprise. It’s when you’re least expecting it, it’s like getting punched in the face- unwanted and painful.  I wish I could tune my ears and fix my eyes to look solely to the future. Our lives are so short and so delicate to be living in the past. Why dwell on what’s done when you can marvel on what’s to come. Those little things get you and drag you under. Before you know it, you’re swimming in regrets,-desperate for air. Desperate for closure.