Friday, February 24, 2012

Fresh Eyes

I know one day it will all make sense.
I can hear the chorus singing
Violins playing me to sleep.
I can see His eyes,
Everything I never knew I needed,
right in front of me.
All the things I overlooked-
Laying right in front of me.
I don't want to wait till tomorrow
To realize something i'll never know
I want to understand it all now.
I can't wait to face the face bolder than all I've ever known
I can't wait to see through eyes I never knew I had.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Bitter Remembrance

Rock me gently
Rock me to sleep
Make me forget that I need you
Make me pacified
I don't want to miss you
I don't want to remember
You consume my thoughts
You butcher my nerves
Just get out of my head,
Just erase yourself from me
Make me forget that I need you
Make me move on

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sweet Damage

Up, up and away
God knows how far I'll float
You release the gravity in me
I stand alone,
I don't stand at all.
My body unwinds
My nerves fall away
My muscles atrophy
A mindless state
You've done your damage
Your sweet damage

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

So Far Gone

Silly child, don't you know
They talk to speak, not to mean.
They know not what they say
Empty words spew out like sprinklers
Showering us boundlessly
Silly child, don't worry about them
Use your own eyes,
It will do you good
Fools will be fools,
Don't listen to them, child
Be juvenile, be pure
You have fresh eyes,
Don't spoil them.
Don't be so far gone

Sunday, February 5, 2012


They surround me
One thousand violins.
Their sweet notes fill my ears
Glorious music.
I step into satisfaction
A chorus of emotions.
Back and forth they sway
Throwing their tears across the room
I dodge their screams like bullets
I am filled
Their strings speak words-
Telling me to listen.
None are discordant,
But all harmonious.
I am surrounded
It is perfectly beautiful.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Baby's Breath and Open Fields

Just stop worrying-
He'll come.
Stop pacing-
He'll be there.
Some things take time,
Good things.
I know you don't believe me now,
But he'll come.
Just breathe,
Close your eyes,
He'll be here.