Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Reaping

Allow me a moment
To allot my thoughts,
To muster my ambitions
Allow me a moment
To grasp stance,
To pardon my fancy
And determine the consequences
These melting tickers on the wall
Speak a song-
Run a walk-
Scream a whisper;
I am relative to them all
But segregated unwillingly
They believe and do not act
So reap the products
And serve me my rights
I am but a liberal mind,
Chained to a conservative beast
Possibly I could write to you,
Sign my name in pen and ink
Deliver my trust with a stamp
But would you keep it away?
Or would you let dust fall upon it,
Like an overseen talisman
Bringing faulty luck to a worthy argument
I will raise my voice in certainty,
Forcing you to hear what you cannot understand

Friday, May 11, 2012

Skeleton in the Closet

I am quickly angered with the thought
Of seeking one and not being sought.
My callous feet walk dangerous road,
My back is weary from a heavy load.
I know I’ve seen you,
I wait for your casted shadow
And to remember you friend,
And not you foe
You paint the sky with glitter and gold
From you to me, an esteemed centerfold
Your name is not carved, I see no evidence
With that not labeled, I have to relevance
Bestow on me your time and cause
Take out of my mouth this bloody gauze
A cut so deep
No procedure is attempted
No healing to come
If only I repented

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Courteous Flee of Doubt

It crawls in the deepest parts of me,
A want; a need
An  insecurity waiting for relief
A misconception seeking for correction
A love squirming for a beholder
All these things and more
Choreographing my life,
Dictating my stance.
No more,
Liberty stirs in my veins,
A helpless serenity that surfaces
A truth based coup
Forming in the midst of righteousness,
A courteous flee of doubt,
Leaving me naked,
Stripped of all I once knew-
Presenting to me the new.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Run, girl
Run from your problems
Run from the shadows that kiss the delicate ground beneath you
Run from your fears
Run from the one's who said you can't
- and said you can.
Run from the judgement
Run from the darkness of black
Run from your let down dreams and washed out hopes
Run till your feet can no longer carry you,
And once you stop running
Try to find your way back home.