Thursday, May 16, 2013

My Mind On Foot

I need to be there right now
I know where it is
In my head
I know how to get there
In my mind
I know I belong
In my heart
But the issue is
I'm stuck
The honest truth: I'm a hopeless romantic
Fun fact: I think this place
The one I have been talking about
And searching for
Isn't a place
It's a person
And when I find that person
This longing to be somewhere
This void that needs to be filled
Will be gone
And I will have peace
That where ever I am going
It will be what I've been searching for
It will be home

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

You'll Probably Be Uncomfortable

Why is it that a gay NBA player can reach this level of publicity? It's funny how defensive humans get when pinned as judgmental. I don't think most people really frown upon homosexuality because they believe it's morally wrong. I believe that people frown upon homosexuality because they are morally wrong. I believe our society is corrupt not because of the actions that are being carried out, but because the citizens judging those actions are so morally unsure. "The Bible says homosexuality is wrong." Okay, a relatively justifiable statement- but the last time I checked, judgement was mentioned a few times as well. It has been for this very reason that I am ashamed to associate myself with fellow Christians. You are not bringing glory to God by criticizing his creation; and you're definitely not bringing glory to God in anyway without his help on this earth to begin with. Making these judgments are purely and entirely self absorbed. I am embarrassed that I call some of these people my brothers and sisters in Christ. This is not blasphemy or a rant on Christianity, its a rant on those who call themselves Christians.
I know of two things surely: There is a God, and he is stronger than I. This God, knowing He is stronger, figured it would probably be good to write a book helping us incompetent ignoramuses figure out how to live. Perhaps this gay basketball player is here to make a statement in your life. Perhaps this media story can cause you to reevaluate what you're living for and what you're trying to believe. Perhaps you are so disappointed in this players lifestyle because you've spent your life idolizing them.
Just as homosexuality is a lifestyle, so is judgment.
I love gay people AND I love God.
Judge me!