Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Everything is pure
When it's your own mind
Everything is right
When it's in your own time

But not everyone knows how to self inflict thought
I say inflict because it hurts

Thought, yes it hurts
It stirs up emotions and memory
Memory hurts

But just as I can inflict it upon myself,
I can also take it away
I believe all the answers are available in yourself
You just have to dig


Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Sometimes I like to believe that nothing has limits
Limitlessness is perfection

Just fly

Just fly they told me
Your feet will leave the ground if you let them
They did

I flew
Far from my home
North towards the lights
Toward bigger things
Much bigger than me

But so often
I find myself sitting, waiting
Unsure of what I'm waiting for

But I know it will come
And when it arrives, everything will be great
You just have to believe that nothing has limits

Limitless is perfection