Friday, January 27, 2012

Sweet Yellow Daffodils

Sometimes I lay awake at night and wonder. It seems to me, normality is defined strictly through the eyes that observe. What really is normal? I like to think that maybe I am the normal one, and this world is confused. I am a set of free wings, flying in a dense, outlandish atmosphere. Some people believe that our society is created by the media, by the ones with the power-but power is only obtained by those who have listeners. If no ears are turned to hear the numb words, than what harm can be done?

I often think that I think too much. I see this way of living to be normal.  I believe that people are too moral. They let their morals override their intentions. By having an overly-moral life style- you lead yourself into a pool of close-mindedness. To be close-minded is to be stupid. He who sees all views from all angles is the most esteemed. To be open-minded is to be enlightened. To look- and to actually see. Seeing is not always believing- but at least you are not blind. Henry David Thoreau once said, "It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."

I am convinced that not only do I see more deeply- but I see beyond what there is to look at. I do not consider myself great- but I consider myself ready. I am ready to open my eyes- I am ready to understand.

I tread water- not to avoid sinking- but to make my legs stronger. This way- my muscles can carry me to swim in other oceans- larger depths.

I long to learn. I long to be anything other than what I see all around me. I walk down these roads and stare int empty faces. Empty words always being spoken- juvenile situations always brought up. I walk along and smell a rose-to me, each individual petal is more beautiful than the last. They walk along and smell a rose- to them, it is no different than any other rose- any other day.

They have shut down their minds. When they don't hear what they want to hear- they are turned off.  Their minds are dictated by the demanding morals forced upon them. They listen but they don't hear- touch but they don't feel.

They take beautiful things and devalue them. They limit themselves because they don't grasp opportunities. Morality can be too bad.

How divine it is- to be anything. How honoring it can be to be a part of something bigger than myself. I walk over the footsteps of my fathers. What has been shown to me that I know not already? Believe me you, I have no limitations. I have  no road blocks or obstacles because I do not travel by the road. That same, old, beaten down path. I will not conform to these people. Forever I will walk in my own direction. I don't believe I am normal- but, what really is normal?

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