Thursday, March 15, 2012

I wish I were a tree.

I often wish I were a tree.
The tree's have seen it all. Through the rain and the wind, the storms and the calm, they have stood strong. They have remained rooted. Some were less fortunate, being uprooted in their weakness, but the more dignified have grown on.
Trees are quite similar to humans, but to me- much better. Trees start out small, needing nutrients to make them bigger. They exist from fathering trees before them, taking on the same traits and characteristics.
With the many similarities, there is a significant difference.
You see, trees never retrogress like humans do. Once they reach their pinnacle of life, they do not submit to age. Humans are inferior to their own biology. Trees, on the other hand, have confidence. They do not doubt or undermine their abilities. Some may reach a point of utter atrophy, but they never give up. They fall by force, not  by choice.
They see everything and say nothing. They have the capacity to retain an infinite amount of knowledge.
I often wish I were a tree,

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