Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Sensitive Society

I will never understand the sensitivity of our society. You have two choices in life: move on, or don't. Life is full of disappointments, regrets, and let downs. Regardless of your preferences, things happen. Don't wine to me about relationships, losses, or friendships- I've had my fair share of all. There is a point when you have to chose maturity over sorrow. Do not pout over what you cannot control, but fulfill what you can control. Sure, I wish he hadn't of died. And sure, my life would be much different. But what good would it do me to dream and grieve over what will never be. Luckily, I am still here. Each day I want to do something that makes me remembered. You should be thankful, actually. These events that happen to you, they act as free shape-ups. Each battle wound makes a good story, not a bad memory. Life is about choices. We are such a conceited people, always wanting to focus on self pity rather than blessings. We never notice just how good we have it. 

1 comment:

  1. So true Bekah! I needed to read this today. You have a gift. You are a gift. You are Gods princess.
