Sunday, July 29, 2012


I just wanna be better
Better than who I used to be
Better than who I'm accused be
Better than who I'm confused to be

I just wanna be better
Better than those before me
Better than those who tore me
Better than those who never bore me

I just wanna be better
Like the better that rests inside of me
The better that likes to hide in me
The better that comes after I die to me

Soon I will be better
Better than who you taught me to be
Better than what you fought to be
The better that I ought to be

Friday, July 27, 2012

Far From Close; Close From Far

I can feel it
It sits on my shoulder
It breaths down my neck
It lingers in my shadows
I can feel it
So close, so hopeful
If hope made change I would hope forever,
But until then, I will wait
I can still feel it
It knocks on the door
But always leaves the steps
I can feel it in my grip
Sweaty palms that cling so tightly,
Please don't slip away this time,
Please just stay
I can feel it

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I've realized recently what life really is.
It's not discovering who you are, or finding your purpose. It's not making your name known or climbing the ladder to success. Life, simply, is walking a road that is laid before you. Hoping that along the way, you affect someone in a way they couldn't have themselves. Hoping that you trip a few times, and realize your feet aren't as stable as you thought they were.
I've realized that you find what you're looking for when you stop looking. And that everything beautiful, isn't monumental. Sometimes the treasures aren't buried- but are minute details in an extravagant centerfold.
No one really has a "purpose" in themselves alone. We all are a part of something greater- but often we leave before the products are revealed.  We expect so much from ourselves, that we devalue our abilities.
I've realized that every disadvantage is an advantage, and everything we hate- we should love, because it's humbling. And being humble is a blessing.
I've realized that you never have it figured out- but that's okay. Sometimes being blind makes all the other senses greater. Making us feel deeper, think harder, and listen more than we speak.
To me, that is life itself.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Walls and Doors

"Every wall is a door." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Simple, yet complex. 
What does it mean to have an open door?
Is it an opportunity or chance?
I walk down a road with many walls
They increase in size, and increase in number
I find the longer my hair grows, the more walls I contact
But what if we are not lesser than the wall,
But in fact greater?
What if the very same bricks we use to keep ourselves in,
We actually block ourselves out?
And that all the time we try to analyze the wall,
It could be brought down with a single command.
What if every door isn't blocked with a wall,
But every wall is blocked with a door?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Forks and Knives

To take up heart, I bid no plea
To wonder a journey inside of me
Bare feet on small cold stones
I'm better wondering this journey alone
Upholstered chairs and afternoon tea
A sinister want, a malicious decree
Curly rings and silver spoons
The sun, the sky, the stars, the moon
Broken pages and catchy tunes
The sun, the sky, the stars, the moon
A spot light on a gleaming white head
So much to recognize, only after the death
Beautiful colors and stringed violins
Please, pray away my dirt and my sin
But can I trust what I already know?
But can you see the ground through snow?
Bright signs and flashing lights
I thought the peace came after the fight
You walk the race you said you would run
The stars, the moon, the skies, the son
Prepare your hands and likely you'll know
How to see the ground through snow