Friday, September 21, 2012

They Call Me Nobody

They call me Nobody
Middle name: Nothing
Last name: No how

They call me Nobody
But I like it that way
Because if I were somebody;
I would no longer be a puzzle
I would be a mere being,
I would be just another somebody
Trying to be anybody
A nobody among Know-it-all's
(But what they know is very small)

They call me Nobody
But I like it that way,
Because if were somebody,
I'd have nothing to aspire for
And I want something to reach for
We all should reach for something,
Sometimes we have long arms,
But our legs are too short
Maybe next year,
Keep eating your Wheaties, kid

They call me Nobody,
But I like it that way
Because if I were somebody,
I would know who I am,
And I don't know who I am
Or what I believe,
Or what I believe I know
I am an inflated balloon,
Wondering through the atmosphere
Getting closer to the ground each hour
Slowly deflating,
Slowly coming down to earth
But I'm not there yet

They call me Nobody,
Because if I were somebody,
It means they've won
I will never be somebody,
And I would like to remain that way
Because each day I am different,
Each day I am new
And each day I learn
That each day I am different
Than the day before
I am nobody.

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