Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Fate of My Trouble

You bring me your troubles
Stacked as high as the narrow eye can see
I swallow them again, unbelievably
Like big horse pills, forced down my throat
In my stomach, they stir and soak
Digestion is not apparent,
No acid to erode the heaviness
"But it hurts!" I tell you,
Still no benevolence Laughing with your eyes,
You scoff at my pain
Your feckless heart understands not my need
Your selfish thoughts derive your belief
I should have known,
Your capacity to hear is just like stone
My every word bounces off,
You are too dense to saturate my issue
I guess it's because you have hard tissue
You've left me with no option but recoiling
In my body this trouble is soiling
Forever it churns, slow and steady
I'll share my thoughts whenever you're ready
But whenever is never,
With you at least
You dine on selfishness
And on self righteousness you feast

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