Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Home Sweet Home

It’s strange how alone I feel in a house so full
I walk as though I am being watched
Each step I take is anxious,
Anxious for escape,
Anxious for fulfillment,
Anxious for renewing

I watch their laughter dance on the wall,
How strange it is that they laugh at all
At night I lay in a bed so large
But I like the way it makes me feel small

The sheets of cold wrap me so tightly
Giving me dreams of hope for somewhere warmer
Each night I hope to go somewhere foreign
Praying for God to fly me there
It’s the only time I pray
I need an escape, a quick way out
But I remain trapped behind the bars of my youth
My soul is aged but my body is juvenile
Restricted by the conduct that is morality
A morality formed by a naïve people
Saying that what I want is not normal
Who are you to define such a thing?
Your logic is extraneous, your rudiments unstable
Do not act as if you are able
For you are small, just like the rest
Normal is too big for your smallness to comprehend
Thinking that your life is better because you live by a verse
Thinking that you are more noble because you pray to a man
Sitting on a throne and laughing at your smallness
So do not mock me when I say I must go
My eagerness derives from a need
One that is surfaced only in this empty house
But another night here might numb me further
And I need the pain to show me its real  

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