Thursday, November 8, 2012


Do I look okay?
If so, the job I sought is done
Nothing bewilders my facade like the shining of the sun
I work so hard to keep it clean
Combing my air, tying my shoes, collecting any loose seams.
All so you will not know
It is all for you
My glossy blue eyes are good at lying
They lie, but I do not
That was not the job I sought
It is simply to be seen,
But not to be known
It is to be mistaken for the face I have shown
Not to debilitate your perceptions,
But to protect my collection of safety
My safety was stripped many years ago
When a man I knew had one too many pills to swallow
I wish it didn't have to become this way
But if it had not, I would not have much to say
Sincerity is key,
And that I am
I am sincerely disappointed in the choices of that man
Believing that substance is greater than passion
But just as substance is limited, so it limits you
Handling your body as a jungle gym,
Wearing and tearing until it loses its purpose
I will not let the weakness of that man
Form a weakness in me
But until I am a victor,
You will search for truth behind my  blue eyes so glossy

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