Thursday, April 4, 2013

Gross Emotion

Although most teen angst churns my stomach at an uncomfortable level,
I will procede with delivering my emotion with a high level of despiration

I'm not wishing my life away,
But I just want someone
Someone to look at me
And feel pure love

Someone that tries to focus on other things
But wrestles to keep my image excluded from their thoughts
Someone who counts their blessings,
And I'm at the top of that list

I hope one day I have a husband.
I say "hope" because there are so many factors that could prevent him
The end of the world,
My juvenile death,
My inability to love,
Circumstantial road blocks,
Deadly disease,
Or my mere stubborness
Taking me down roads life did not intend for me to travel

Someone that knows my insecurities and sensitivities
And just how to tip toe around them
Someone that appreciates the occasional dirt under my nails
Because it displays my priorities

Someone that lets me down

Because it means that I trust something about him extensively
And brews royal expectations

I'm not wishing my life away,
But I just want someone.

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